IBM Smart Cloud

IBM SmartCloud


The IBM Smart Cloud is a set of cloud computing services offered by the information and technology company IBM. This SmartCloud is a form of cloud computing which allows data to be stored, managed, and processed on an Internet server.

The Cloud Options

There are three main cloud options:

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-Software as a Service (SaaS)
-Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
-Platform as a Service (PaaS)

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Software as a Service (SaaS)
-Licenses software on a subscription basis
-Hosts it at a central location
-Allows basic software applications to be accessed on demand over several computing platforms

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Infrastructure as a Service
-Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
-Gives customers the opportunity to purchase specific storage units
-They can file their needs
-Information can be stored in a secure location
-Acts as a backup for files

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Platform as a Service (PaaS)
-Provides a platform to run applications
-Can act as a web server
-Can act as a operating system

Advantages Vs. Disadvantages


  • Data storage can be accessed through different platforms and locations
  • Allows businesses to emerge
  • Strengthens business systems
  • Easily integrate daily processes
  • Easily manage connections amongst partners and customers
  • Sustain competitive advantage
  • Elastic resource, pay for use, self-service
  • Supports technological innovation

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  • Lack of security
  • Potential privacy breach
  • Dependence of network/providers
  • Loss of control on data

International Recognition

  • IBM supports 24 out of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies
  • Hosts 30% more top websites than anyone in the world
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    Examples of International Recognition

  • In the US, a merchandise provider company used this service to transfer business documents to trading partners at any location, allowing them to easily manage business processes.
  • In France, an international grocery retailer used the service to automate business transactions and minimize errors

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The Future

Previously, there were several barriers preventing adoption amongst companies.

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As technology is rapidly changing, these barriers are slowly being removed as cloud computing is becoming more prominent

Quick Facts

  • According to, 69% of companies are implementing cloud computing in their businesses
  • Businesses use the cloud to interact with other businesses
  • cloud computing will slowly become more prevalent around the world
  • The flexibility of IBM’s SmartCloud enables companies to
    -manage and expand their infrastructures
    -support their technological innovations.

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IBM has developed a service called Bluemix.
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It is an example of a PaaS and is implementation of the IBM open cloud architecture that supports innovations and building new applications through the simplified blocks it provides. It can further extend the existing technological foundation of a company through offering a collection of services from both IBM and open source options. For example, businesses can openly integrate their own IT infrastructure with IBM’s services and runtimes through the facilitation of Bluemix services. Bluemix then configures the applications through controlling the run time and assuring that the components are working properly. This allows companies to rapidly manage their infrastructure and cloud data on different computing locations. Bluemix provides companies with the right foundation for technological change, and also facilitates the creativity and openness for companies.

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A-la-carte Strategy

IBM’s Cloud strategy is to give customer an a-la-carte option to purchase only the specific systems they need. There is no fixed cost approach, this in turn allows for flexibility.

-Only pay for what will satisfy their needs
-Have the flexibility to customize
-Integrate multiple platforms


Customer use cloud to improve day-to-day operations and take advantage of new capabilities that cloud has enabled. Making the transition into cloud an optimal option.